About Us
Advokátní kancelář Vyskočil, Krošlák a spol. (AKVK) was founded in 1996 as an association of attorneys, since 2015 the existing association has been replaced by the business company Vyskočil, Krošlák a partneři s.r.o., advokátní kancelář. The founding lawyers of the firm graduated from Czech universities and subsequently studied at foreign universities (in Paris, Reims and London). Some of our lawyers practised law with premier international law firms at their offices in Paris and London and gained extensive experience of working for major international clients.
AKVK provide legal advice to Czech and foreign clients in almost all significant areas of law, in addition to Czech language also in English, French, and German.
Vyskočil, Krošlák a partneři s.r.o., advokátní kancelář, is a business company, with its seat at Voršilská 130/10, Praha 1. Attorneys František Vyskočil, Michaela Fuchsová, Jiří Spousta and Petr Ostrouchov are the partners of the firm. AKVK closely cooperates with the patent attorney Dana Lukajová.
AKVK is a member of Trans European Law Firms Alliance (TELFA). TELFA is an association of independent law firms established in 1990 and its member firms comprise more than 600 lawyers throughout Europe. TELFA covers all jurisdictions of EU Member States as well as certain other neighboring jurisdictions, such as Switzerland and Turkey. AKVK is the sole and exclusive member of this association from the Czech Republic.
AKVK is the exclusive Czech member of Aliant+, a global alliance of middle market law firms and accounting firms providing legal, accounting and relating services. Aliant+ was founded in the USA and covers lots of European jurisdictions in addition to many other countries such as China, Israel, Lebanon, Costa Rica, Nigeria, Singapore.